rAmacandrAya janaka rAjajA
Aa:S N3 S R2 G3 M1 P D2 Av: D2 P M1 G3 R2 S N3 S
Aa:P D2 N3 S R2 G3 M1 P Av: M1 G1 R3 S N2 D2 P
taaLam: t/Eka Composer: Badraacala Raamadaas Language:
rAmacandrAya janaka rAjajA. rAgA: kurinji/navarOj. t/Eka tALA. Bhadrachalam Ramdas.
1: rAmacandrAya janaka rAjajA manOharAya mAmakAbhISta dAya mahita mangaLam caraNam 2 kosalEshAya manda hAsa dAsa poSanAya vAsavAdi vinuta sadvarAya mangaLam caraNam 3 cAru kumkumO pEta candanAdi carcitAya hAraka shObhitAya bhUri mangaLam (cAru mEgha rUpAya candanAdi carcitAya bhAna kaTaka shObhitAya bhUri mangaLam) caraNam 4 lalita ratna kuNDalAya tulasI vanamAlikAya jalaja ghatuka dEhAya cAru mangaLam caraNam 5 dEvakI suputrAya dEva dEvOdattamAya pavanA guruvarAya sarva mangaLam caraNam 6 puNDarIkAkSAya pUrNacandra vadanAya aNDajAta vAhanAya atula mangaLam caraNam 7 vimala rUpAya vividha vEdAnta vEdyAyA sumukha citta kAmitAya shubha mangaLam caraNam 8 rAmadAsAya mrdula hridaya kamala vAsAya svAmi bhadra girivarAya sarva mangaLam (see another version under the title rAma rAma rAma rAma) 1: Mangalam (wishing prosperity and happiness) to Ramachandra who won the heart of Janaka?s daughter Sita and who fulfills all our wishes. caraNam 2 Mangalam to the son of Kousalya who has a gentle smile on his face, who protects his devotees and who is worshipped by Devendra. caraNam 3 He is beautiful with Kum Kuma (vermillion) on his forehead. He is shining with sandal paste smeared on his body and garlands around his neck. Wish him a golden benediction. caraNam 4 Beautiful Mangalam to the God who is adorned with diamond hangings on his ears, to the God who is adorned with Tulasi garlands and to the God who is like the blue sky. caraNam 5 Mangalam to the son of Devaki, the best of all Gods and the most eminent Guru. caraNam 6 Unique Mangalam to Pundari Kaksha (Vishnu) the one who shines like the full moon, the one who has Garuda bird as his vehicle. caraNam 7 Lovely Mangalam to Rama, the unblemished, who knows the transcendental philosophy and who fulfills the desires of devotees. caraNam 8 mangaLam, whole hearted Mangalam to Rama whose heart is gentle and who is the chosen Lord of Bhadrachala.