tagu tagulEra
raagam: hindustAnikApi
Aa:S R2 M1 P N2 S Av: S N2 D2 N2 P M1 G2 M1 D2 P G2 R2 S N2 S
taaLam: rUpaka Composer: UnKnown Language:
Oh Venugopala, is it good for you to torment me ? I am innocent adolescent girl. Why are you so stern with me? I can't bear.
caraNam 1 Why don't you pity me ? Please be judicious. Why are you angry? Please stop this clamour. caraNam 2 My beautiful youth is getting wasted like moonlight in forest. I am totally exposed. Please fulfill my desire. caraNam 3 Oh my pretty Venugopala, you are pretender. You protect Dasu Srirama. You are Manmadha for me.