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shrI tripurA bhAsura - Lyrics

shrI tripurA bhAsura

raagam: nalinakAnti

Aa:S G3 R2 M1 P N3 S Av: S N3 P M1 G3 R2 S

taaLam: c/Eka Composer: Ganapati Saccidananda. Language:


shrI tripurA bhAsurA siddhAmbA sA mAm pAtu


vAta pitta kapha rUpA vyAdhInAm shamanI panca kOShagA sudhiyAm mOhanAshadAtrI

caraNam 1 yA nAmnAm sAhasraissugItikA nicayairvA vashinI vAgdEvIbhirnitAnta samstuta tattvA aSTakONagA shivagA hAsyarasE rasikA rahOyOginI vinutA vAgdhArAm dishatu caraNam 2 sarvakhEcara varamudrA dIptAngI shivalOlA sarvavyAdhiharE cakrE nityasthA giribAlA svIyAsya shrIdIptyA nalinakAnti jayashIlA shrI saccidAnandabhA-pradIpakAdbhuta nijalIla??



shrI tripurA - Goddess Tripura, bhAsurA - the shining one, siddhAmbA - the mother of Siddhas, sA pAtu - may she protect mAm - me.


vyAdhInAm shamanI - the destroyer of diseases vAta pitta kapha rUpA - that are in the form of the three doshas , Vata, Pitta and Kapha, panca kOShagA - the one who resides in the five sheaths, mOha nAsha dAtrI - the causer/giver of destruction of delusion, sudhiyAm - to wise people.

caraNam 1

yA - She who samstuta tattvA - has her truth/qualitlites praised nitAnta - greatly, vashinI vAgdEvIbhiH - by the 8 goddesses of speech led by Vashini nAmnAm sAhasraiH - by the thousand names (in Lalita Sahasranama), vA - or sugItikA nicayaiH - by a collection of lovely hymns, aSTakONagA - she who resides in the eight triangles (of SriChakra) shivagA - the consort of Shiva, (literally one who has reached Shiva) hAsyarasE rasikA - the one who enjoys Hasya rasa, rahOyOginI vinutA - the one praised by the Rahasya Yoginis (seated in the enclosures of SriChakra), dishatu - may (she) confer vAgdhArAm - a stream of speech (i.e. the gift of eloquence).

caraNam 2

sarva khEcara varamudrA dIptAngI - The one whose form is seen brighly with (the help of Yogic practices like) all the Khecara Mudras, shivalOlA - the one eager for Shiva, nityasthA - the one permanently residing sarva vyAdhiharE cakrE - in the Chakra that removes all diseases, giribAlA - the daughter of the mountain (Himavan), jaya shIlA - the one who has the tendency to conquer nalina kAnti - the radiance of the lotus svIya Asya shrI dIptyA - with the glow of beauty of her face, shrI saccidAnanda bhA-pradIpakA - the one who kindles the brilliance of Sri Saccidananda, adbhuta nijalIla - the one whose sportive deeds (Leelas) are wonderful.

Notes : Details of the three doshas, the five sheaths, the mudras used to worship can be checked with relevant sources. The details of the Yoginis, the names of the several enclosures of the SriChakra such as the one with 8 triangles and the one that destroys diseases, can be found in books about Srividya worship and/or about the Navavarana Kritis etc.

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