Shri. Mysore L Vadiraj
Carnatic Mridangam
Shri. Mysore L Vadiraj is a Professional Mridangam player with more than 15 years of experience. He begun his musical career at the age of 13 learning from gurus Karnataka Kalashree Sri PG Lakshminarayana and Vidwan Sri H.S.Sudhindra . He moved on to be trained under Mridangam Maestro Sri Thiruvarur Bhakthavatsalam, learning the nuances of Mridangam in a traditional gurukula system from more than 6yrs. Shri Vadiraj is a famous artist of All India Radio, Chennai. He is widely appreciated by various senior Musicians for his Naada soukhya & Krithi oriented playing. He is a regular performer in most of the famous sabas across the country. He is training many students in and outside India & also popularising Mridangam through workshops, lectures & solo concerts.